Wednesday, June 25, 2008

MMMMMM.... M words are driving me batty!

I was pondering my message for today's post, and kept coming up with 'M' words!!! How marvelous!!! or am I mad?!!!! just a little batty (you wait and see....)

Mountains in the morning....

on my way home from buying milk at a local convenience store
after maneuvering through a less than stellar workout (I could only endure 3 miles today) at the gym.

Ah yes.... remember Sloppy Sister???? Well, I vowed to get rid of the mess by the last day of school if she was not going to take responsibility for it....(and I am not as discriminating about what stays and what doesn't!!)

that's me!!! My oldest caught me in the act! I even mopped!!!
I even got Messy Marvin to attack his mess!!!

My free time, as I know it, has ended for about 2 1/2 months....Uh-huh! School officially ended yesterday afternoon and so did my routine and my quiet time.

The sleepovers, play dates with friends, sleeping late, and quarreling has all ready started!! Hope they don't drive me batty!!!!

While the mice were still asleep this morning, the cat (ME) did some landlording duties and mowed the lawn (however small).
Looks like a mansion... but it houses 6 different apartments.

My oldest loves this bag but it has seen better days...

So, I am going to use this material...
to make a new model!!!! Shouldn't be too difficult!

Many of you are probably not aware of my aversion (no 'M' words to describe my revulsion) to rodents and assorted creatures that resemble rodents...

These may be hard to see but they are bats!!!! and they are living under the eaves on the backside of our house!!!!!!!!!

Last summer, we had a couple of indoor visits from them!!!! If the 'M' words don't drive me batty, these creatures will!!!!!!!!!! YUCK!!!!

I am staying inside to sew!!!!!!


  1. What a cute post Lisa. The bats though- seriously awful. When I have a nightmare it always involves a rat, bat or mouse. Rodent phobia!! I'm with ya on that one.

  2. You have My sympathies and My understanding on the whole suMMer thing! :-) May you find peace and Much patience!

  3. Can't think of any M words only V words. You can always come for a Visit or a Vacation.

  4. What a Magician in doing the Make-over of Messy Sisters Room. Glad you are keeping busy with Maintenance on your apartment!It looks very Majestic by the way. Hope those Macabre bats stay away. Hope the holidays aren't too Manic and that you have a Magic time.

  5. Oh I wish I had your bats! And we have a pair of pet rats here.

  6. Muchos gracias for your Memorable post. Mighty scary flying Mice you have there My lady! Maybe you could have Messy Marvin and the sloppy sibling compete for Mom's 'keep your room Mess free' contest for, Mmmm say, a Movie?
    I shall be Mindful of you while I am Moving along at the VT quilt show this weekend and taking the Delectable Mountains class. Marvelous!

  7. ahh I like the bats, good luck for the summer
    lisa x

  8. oh, I hope you summer shapes up soon. we are trying to muddle our way through, too. my 2 year old decided to stop taking naps. it is not the best timing!! we had a talk about it, but it hasn't helped. ;0)

  9. LOL Lisa! Yes, you are mad and marvelous! My word verification thongy below also starts with a M! mexnclwt, hows that for a M word!

  10. Most must mandate mind management. Meanwhile mere madness may materialize making memorizing methods a must.


  11. Oh! Bats! I'm definitely not coming up your way now! :) Dam those M words!
