I looked up the definition of a symphony
and found that it can be defined as...
"anything characterized by a harmonious combination of elements,especially
an effective combination of colors"
"something regarded, typically favorably, as a composition of different elements"
I started composing this symphony over the summer
during a period of great emotion and transition in my life.
I began with my 'go-to' combination,
black fabric and white fabric...
two elements that I like to work with and find to be a harmonious combination
but I decided to spice it up a bit
with some small bits of ice-dyed fabric
left over from another art work..
Interestingly, while adding purple was a bit intentional
(as part of our fiber art group challenge)
and a bit of a whim..
I have discovered that the color purple relates to the imagination
and inspires high ideas...
it is an introspective color,
allowing us to get in touch with our deeper thoughts...
very meaningful for me right now.
Yellow, on the other hand,
is associated with joy, happiness, intellect and energy...
something I am seeking every day!
and so my symphony began to evolve....
over time...
as more elements were slowly added...
with no real plan in mind...
composing as I went along...
and when I thought it was finished being pieced
I decided to hand quilt my composition...
allowing this creation to unfold before my eyes..
and finally,
"Ode to Someone I Love: It's Not All Black and White"
and the back,
just because...