Monday, May 5, 2008

There's a Quilt Show Somewhere Here...

Well, it is truly a clear day today and the flowering trees are really pretty! (minus the leaf bags for brush pick up in town this week).
Thanks to all my friends for their good wishes for a speedy recovery. My finger feels fine but the slice is still buried under the same 3 bandaids (dh said to leave it on for a day or so). It is hard to keep it dry but so far so good. What is harder though - typing!!!!
Hope the blogger spellchecker is working today. I am going to need it!!!

So now, on to the quilt show... Some of my quilts were made before I had a digital camera, so I thought I would highlight some of them.

My kids have many quilts so I thought I would share the quilts belonging to my youngest first...

Two girls sharing a room... one is a real slob too- my youngest (age 9). My oldest just has lots of stuff (yeah, right).

Can I get over to the quilts???
There is even stuff under the bed!!!!!
So, I guess, I will have to do some cleaning!!!!

There are several of these used glucose meter strips on the floor from those bleary eyed, middle-of-the-night blood sugar checks (she has type 1 diabetes).
Now that is where they have all disappeared to! My youngest is the figure skater and I am always looking for gloves to put in the skating bag.

No wonder I can't find the matches!!!!!

And it seems, that one can never have enough hair accessories, particularly those that migrate to the bedroom floor, behind the dresser, under the bed....

So, now that I can reach the bed (and make it too, for goodness sake!!!).... here is the quilt show...

This is her first quilt... a large crib size quilt, made with strips of cat fabrics that I collected. The pattern was from a book by Ursula Reike. I have a couple of her books and they are great for kids' quilts!
I was lying awake in the middle of the night while I was making this quilt and came up with the idea to 'write' on the sashing! My first quilt that I wrote on (and now I have a tutorial) ...

Hard to read it but it says, "Callie's cats" followed by a squiggle and a cat outline. Then, the second quilt I made was a comfort quilt. I got the idea from a book by Lynda Milligan and Nancy Smith of the Great American Quilt Factory. The fabric was leftover scraps from another quilt that I made my oldest from the same book with triangles.
Next, was the princess quilt using Twisted Sisters pattern by Ami Simms.
I thought the fabric was pretty cute for a princess but really, now she is more of a Drama Queen! I wonder if they have fabric for her now!!!!
I pieced the back with various leftovers and some pink flannel.

Finally, the last quilt that I made for her bed is a Yellow Brick Road (for some reason Terry Atkinson's website is down). My then little one found some light blue fabric at a quilt shop and we decided to make a quilt out of it. Voila!
Again, backed in flannel.

So here you have it... a quilt show! and the room is even a little bit cleaner.... (and she better not ask where everything has gone :-) ! )


  1. Even stuff under the bed?! She must have learned that from her mother.

    On the plus side, the girls' bedroom makes my boys' bedrooms look neat. And with "captain's beds" they can't throw stuff underneath.

  2. I really like the quilts, I'd take them any day. However, I think I will leave the girls' mess to them! :) Seriously cute quilts though.

  3. You have made my day! To know that it is not only my daughter who has a mess in her room!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing that....and the quilts are great too!

  4. Hey that room looks like my cupboards! My hous is so very clean .... just DON'T open any cupboarddoors ... it may well be life threatening! Love the quilt show by the way! I also loved to tour of your sewing space ... maybe once I clear my cutting table I'll sare mine too!

  5. Cute quilts, great show! You are brave to enter that room! Reminds me of a couple of rooms that live in my house!

  6. OMG! You have (had) cat prints that eluded me. (I have made 2 cat charm quilts - each in excess of 500 different domestic cat prints - I have a problem, I can admit it.)

  7. "The Calico Cat" might have been a giveaway to my "problem."
