Sunday, August 19, 2012

All is well that ends well....

I seem to have had several recent brushes with conflict lately!
Most of the time, all ends well!

I was invited to join a local/regional fiber art group this spring and I felt so honored to be in the presence of so many wonderfully talented women and so nervous about creating in their midst.

I have learned much from them in a short time and they feed my creative soul!

But this spring, a challenge was announced... the first since I joined.  
The theme:  BOX.

I began to think this one over.
And then... nothing.... 
I struggled with this and with my mojo all spring and through the heat of the summer.

I felt empty....

I felt worthless....

struggling with my demons...

and so I created ....


but then, I ripped out....

ripping out and struggling

and nothing.

So, I brought this piece to a get-together our group had recently,
and while showing some of my work to the group including my summer art journal, 

Journaling while movie watching Summer journaling

a guest to the group said something that stuck with me... 
 she said that my work in my art journal is so whimsical and fun, 
that I should create fiber art like that.

I slept on it for awhile and began to work again with the old piece...

still nothing....

trying to embellish

And so, I left it and began thinking
 and thinking...
and creating...


and When I Think Outside the Box....

Done!!!! (I think)


things don't turn out so bad!


  1. Lisa you shouldn't doubt yourself for a minute-you are talented(and whimsical and fun!).

  2. Lisa you are very creative and shouldn't doubt it. Your explanation of each "phase" of your creativity sounds so much like some of the trials and doubts that othre creative people go through, you fit right in.

  3. I can't think of another description so I'll just say "amaze-balls" Wonderful really. Great job Lisa.

  4. You are so amazing, you really are, and you should have faith in yourself, however, yes we all have times when we feel that way. I think my little winter of discontent is nearly over, so I know how you felt, but, look what you created! As the other people said, it just shows you how creative you are. If you werent, you wouldn't have blocks, you would just use patterns and be happy with them. I for one am glad you don't, so we get to see your creations.
