Thursday, September 20, 2012

Moving forward... I think....

I am not exactly sure where to start...  

This year has been a creatively challenging year to say the least.

New project
A few years back, I seemed to be in the midst of a fun, productive, fulfilling creative life... chock full of online friends all over the world, swaps, blogging, exchanging of ideas in the midst of a busy life at home... exercising, homeschooling, landlording etc.
In progress
Then, something happened and I seemed to have become completely and easily derailed.

In progress

I lost my creative edge, my confidence, my dreams of making it big or at least, of creating big.

"Trying to See the Forest through the Trees"
I've had a lot of starts this year.. and a lot (I mean a lot!) of stops too.

Mr. U reminds me that many famous artists have encountered spells of creative blocks too. So I'm trying to be patient. I am trying to create when I am not sure I can.

"Trying to See the Forest through the Trees"
I am reading a book that has given me lots of food for thought....

The author writes that, "When we use our disturbances as materials of expression,
we see that everything in life is fuel for the creative process."

And....I am trying to realize that,
"the most provocative and useful stimulus for reframing
is the declaration that what disturbs you the most
may have the most to offer in your creative expression."

Not really sure yet what is disturbing me but....
I am back to playing, creating
chopping up old quilt blocks, piecing strips and scraps and ...

"Trying to See the Forest through the Trees"
Trying to See the Forest through the Trees


  1. I feel the same way. Like I hit a wall going 100km. Hopefully we can dust ourselves off and keep going. Hugs friend.

  2. Hang in there - it will all come back to you, maybe in a different shape, but creativity doesn't leave. Keep going, make something small and simple and I'm convinced you'll get back "in the groove". As Picasso said: "Inspiration exists, but it must find you working".

  3. I am going through a similar phase and it is so frustrating. At one time my fingers twitched to start sewing. Now I have several projects started but nothing that really speaks to me. I am trying so hard to develop my creativity and am feeling like whats the use. I haven't blogged in months. Good luck to you.

  4. I think creative breaks are a necessity for all of us. Just try not to make it as long as mine .. 6+ years. Yikes! Though I was crocheting during that time.

    Hugs! Your mojo will find you.


  5. For me it is the change of summer to autumn.....I am in a slump of sorts too. Iknow it will go away but I feel like I am wasting precious time!

  6. It's good to see you post! You were the first blog I started "following" back in May of 2010 when I first learned there was such a thing as blogging. You have encouraged and inspired me. I love your blog. I'm sure whatever you're going through, or been through, you will be stronger and better for it in the long run! xo

  7. I'm pretty sure the softened tone and authenticity of this piece of reflective writing is a step in the right direction.
    Wishing you an enjoyable journey.

  8. Glad to see you creating. I love the little quilt by the way. I am finally back on my feet after 6 months of hard slog. so Iknow from experience it will come for you, too

  9. Some days are more creative than others. Some days don't feel creative, but on reflection that is when we have created some of our most beautiful pieces. Hang in there! Your muse is just taking a nap.
