Thursday, March 29, 2012


Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines abundance as,
"an ample quantity",
"relative degree of plentifulness
[plentifulness... ha! blogger tell me it isn't a word!]"

 Today, I feel that abundance!!!

Somehow, I volunteered myself to oversee the costumes at the dance studio
where I find myself 6 days a week.
Sugarbaby is enrolled in 3 ballet classes, 1 jazz class,
1 hip hop class and a dance sampler. I figured that I can sew, I am usually there, so why not!

So, I am learning the ropes...
some mending, some costume revision and even some cleaning...

Pants for tap dancers drying... Part of being costume chair
The thing about getting involved in your kids' activities,
you meet some wonderful people and
sometimes, you pick up a new skill or two.

Besides, I had been in a sewing funk and
I think this is the kick in the pants I needed to get back to my machine.

I pulled these guys out this morning...

Yes... that says 130

Yes... that says 130!!!
(130 Crumb Along blocks!)

 All stacked up...

 130 Crumb Along blocks

and neglected for awhile...
or perhaps just percolating!

But now, I am itching to stitch some more!!!

A serendipitous meeting with a woman at our local quilt guild
has spawned into a project that I will tell you more about soon
but it is exciting to have new projects, isn't it?!!!
and another online friend just asked me to share some of my ATC's with her and her bloggy friends!

It's an abundance of projects!!!

With the unexpected warm weather last week,
the kids and I began sowing some seeds and prepping the garden...
it makes me so happy to see the abundance of green sprouts! 

Last night, while surfing the net, an online friend "liked" a page
and it sparked my interest (so.. I am nosey!).

This morning, I watched the video.
Not all will agree with all their information but
listen to the message...

...take care of yourself! yourself!

It fueled me with ideas for what I can do to further refine 
and it made me feel gratitude and abundance for what I have!

Enjoy your day!!!

Goblin Gallop, 10/29/11
gotta run!!!


  1. I would say you have an abundance of abundance! Interesting trailer - trying to get rid of processed foods in my diet has been a goal of mine, this would seem to take it one step further.

  2. I love your little sprouts and you certainly have an abundance of blocks. I have an abundance of UFOs, lol
