Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Let's Get Cracking!!!!!!!!!!!!

I promised myself that this would be the week that I started back to a routine of exercise and organization in my life!!!!

Monday morning at 5:45, I punched and kicked....

(can you imagine me like that???)

Tuesday morning at 5:30, I lifted weights (and yes, my body is screaming!).....

and this morning at 5:15, I ran....

Kicking butt!

Last week and this week (at all times of the day!), 
I have been busy organizing and preparing for our homeschool year....

books being readied for our school start

so we are up and running by next week!
The problem is that if I could just have a little extra time and no humidity,

I might get some organization done in my sewing room...

I need a humidity free day and some time to clean this mess!
I need some time and humidity-free days to attack this mess!

so I can finish LauraJ's row!!!

plugging away on Laura's forest row

At home with my sewing utensils!
As my mom always said, "Let's get cracking!!!"

 (the thing is... I hated when she used to tell me that!)



  1. Lisa, I admire you for your ability to get up early and get going. I love what you are working on. The turtles are so cute.

  2. I watched the two videos and now I am exausted! I need a nap! Oh I need to get cracking before I get any wider! Chop Chop pattynubs - get crackin'!

  3. You make me so happy when you show your sewing room with the 'creative clutter'. It looks just like home. I love your quilts.
