Saturday, July 3, 2010

I've fallen and I can't get up!!!!!

Remember that commercial?
At home with my sewing utensils!

I think I may have finally fallen off my cutting table!!!!!

I have been in a funk lately....
I just can't seem to create anything new!!!!

I have plenty of ideas ...

looking for inspiration

I have plenty of inspiration nearby...

garden collage

I have plenty of beauty around me...

sunset collage

I have a lot of things that I would love to put on paper or fabric

but something inside seems to be blocking me...

In the meantime, I have continued some work on my dresden plates..

but even this project has almost run its course...

my dresden plates

(2 more blocks and I am done!)

At home with my sewing utensils!

Better pick myself up and start creating!
Happy holidays!


  1. I've never been a fan of dresden plates, but THIS has made me a fan :) I love it!

  2. I have the same problem. No motivation but lots of random ideas. I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about what to do. I am away this weekend but hopefully I will have some time next week and can get back in the swing.

  3. Sending you some creative vibes. You'll get your mojo back! The plates are killer.

  4. I think it can be blamed on summer. I find that I am more creative and energetic in the winter. Can't wait for snow.

  5. I find that happens every now and then........but if you try to force it, the block seems to get worse.
    I just try to relax and wait it out....a few (uncomfortable) days pass and all of a sudden my creative juices kick in again.
    Hope it passes quickly for you

  6. I know what you mean. I have the most trouble when I am in between projects and can't decide what to start. Lots of ideas but no decision. So I entertain myself buying some fabric!

  7. I hear you sista! I get that way and then all of a sudden, the funk is gone and my mojo is back. I love how your dresden quilt is coming along. It's very electric.

  8. Oh as soon as you get a good night's sleep, you'll come up with some new ideas!

  9. I think it is the heat! I am never very motivated to create much during summer...I am loving our cold frosty mornings and cold days......and I am also in love with your Dresden Plate blocks...they are fabulous! Keep cool.....!

  10. I call it "Sewers block!" If writers can get it, why not crafters? Enjoy the time away and when the desire returns it will be doubled! Love the Dresden plates!!

  11. Found this quote on getting past a creative block. It has worked for me.
    "Just do it.
    Just make things.
    Make art
    Make, make, make."
    -Mike Perry
    Love you Dresden Plates.

  12. Those dresden plates look great on the black and white backgrounds. Your creative mojo will come back. It's just having a little holiday.
