Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Crossing the road....

cross·road   /ˈkrɔsˌroʊd, ˈkrɒs-/ Show Spelled[kraws-rohd, kros-]
Often, crossroads.
a.the place where roads intersect.
b.a point at which a vital decision must be made.
c.a main center of activity.

Why did Upstatelisa cross the road?! ***

This is the story of how I crossed the road on
Workbook Wednesday
(which is today, you know!)

Workbook Wednesday

Last night, after a busy day of blogging, homeschooling,
running our weekly homeschool sewing group,
moving the contents of our old-old fridge to our new-old fridge,

old fridge being replaced by a less old fridge
(yes, I currently have 2 fridges in my kitchen!)
watching a movie

 (so I like a low key kind of birthday!)...

having a real party!
(but I know how to have a good time!)

 I crawled into bed
and realized that I didn't have a whole lot to show
for Workbook Wednesday.

Thanks to Patty...
She has this wonderful, wonderful collage....

Patty's collage

and awesome shadowed pear...

patty's pear detail

Thanks also to  Mathea
for downloading her beautiful window to our flickr group...

Chapter 2 - Perspective

But all I had managed to accomplish this past week
 for my Workbook Wednesday post was....
the soft curved piecing..

exercise 1: soft curve piecing
(exercise 1, chapter 5)

 in which I then inserted the strips....

exercise 3: inserting strips
(exercise 3, chapter 5)

I skipped wonky piecing (exercise 2, chapter 5)
cuz I thought that I was all ready wonky enough!

Yup, that's me!

But there is nothing like a run in the early morning
to get the creative juices flowing
"cross the road", so to speak!

run 4/28 ...

(...okay! so this photo makes you think you have double vision..
but your photos wouldn't look so hot if you tried to hold your phone
steady after running 4 miles either!)

I headed back to the drawing table
(or tablet, really!)

rough sketch of wonky cactus
(maybe you should have your eyes checked after all!)

I decided to use the wonky piecing idea

cutting fabric to insert wonky cactus

for my next mini quilt...

center of cactus sewn..

and after some ripping out....

so... I took apart the center of the cactus from the background...


and added some cactus arms..

and some fun straight stitch quilting...

I added some cool straight line quilting

I have my latest cactus to add to my growing quilt series!!

et voila!! A wonky cactus!

At home with my sewing utensils!*** I was appliqued to the chicken!


  1. That cactus is CUTE. I had no clue that would be the end result. You are so creative!!!

  2. Lisa, Thanks for posting the pictures of my collage and pear. I think your cactus turned out great! I have been working in the yard, so I probably won't have my Chapter 5 pieces done until Monday. I will e-mail you pictures.

  3. Okay, what am I missing. I tried to wish you a happy birthday yesterday - but there is no place to comment! Is it just me? Happy late birthday!

  4. Okay, now I see. I have to click on the post. There's no comment thingy at the bottom. Once again - Happy Late Birthday! Hope your day was great.

  5. Happy belated birthday to you Lisa...

    appliqued to the chicken - I snorted !

  6. I like the stitching on that cactus - very nice!

  7. You're doing great on these excercises! Love the cactus! And thanks for including my window as well :-)

  8. just wanted to thank you for the quiltalogue that i found on sew mama sew... and i love your dresden plate quilt!
