Tuesday, May 26, 2009



This morning.... so early... I woke up with a screaming sore throat! Seems that Teenager is sharing her germs with the family (how generous of her!).

But somehow, I popped in two ibuprofen and a cup of coffee and managed to drag myself to the gym for a 3.25 mile run. That was all I could muster... Whine!

By midday, my nose was running like a faucet left on.... oh, woe is me!!!



Still, I wanted to dye some red and orange fabric so....

between tissues, I managed to prepare 12 bottles, some with various amounts of red and others with combination of red and yellow to make up 8 Tbsp of dye solution in a bottle.

scarlet and golden yellow today

and between tissues, I am managing some quilting....
quilting my houses


Scarlet set


  1. Feel better soon.......looks like your feeling sick didn't do any damage to your good quilting and fabric-dying, though. :)

  2. I knew it! Nothing slows you down. You accomplish more when sniffling and sneezing than most folks do when they are healthy!

    Lovin' the dyed fabric and, of course, the "town."

    Feel better!!!

  3. you are the dye queen! feel better soon!!

  4. I love your dyed fabric! Can you direct me to a tutorial? Dying bits of fabric in a jar, I think even I can handle.

    I'm loving your house quilt.

  5. Awww! Hope you're feeling better today. Am just loving the fabrics. Do you have to spread them out wet on the lawn and air dry them?

  6. Oh Lisa I am so sorry you aren't feeling well!!! Everyone is running scared here at the moment now the swine flu has hit our world. Sid saw 85 patients yesterday! Crazy!
    Your fabric looks great!!!!! You really are amazing!
    Hope you are feeling better soon!

  7. Get better! Love the houses. It is a terrible time to be sick though.
