Monday, July 14, 2008

Happy Camper

Happy Camper:
a person who is pleased with the situation in which s/he finds him/herself. Often used ironically or in understatement, especially in the negative; as, the passengers left behind on the island were not a bunch of happy campers.

Barefoot in the summer...

I am a happy camper!

Sloppy and Marvin leaving a mess on the front lawn...

I am not a happy camper!

Some new purchases from the sewing expo..

new thread,

some great purse handles and a pattern from Quilt Plus (I have been looking for these kind of handles since I saw this post)...

new fabric... black and white, polka dots and a little FQ from Corning Stitchworks (I wish she would open an online shop!)

and some vintage trim (I couldn't pass up on the polka dots!) and a vintage buckle from Corning Stitchworks too.

I am a happy camper!

Sloppy Sister's room....

I am definitely not a happy camper! What am I gonna do with her?

Sloppy asked me to post this photo...
Today, she had an eye exam which required dilation of her pupils. She couldn't see how big her pupils had gotten so I took a photo! She was not an unhappy camper - just a little inconvenienced.

But then, I took Sloppy and Marvin shopping at a craft supplies store...

a knitting machine for Sloppy..
and a model helicopter for Marvin....

with many pieces...
They are happy campers!!!! ( We will see how many times I get asked to help out...)

And we also stopped by the shop to pick up Bernie....

For $81 (ARGH...not a happy camper!), you can get an updated feed dog kit installed, feed dog reset, and something illegible...
Move over Fifi.... Bernie is back!
I am a happy camper!!!!! I have plenty of projects waiting to be finished, quilted, etc.

Hope you have a happy camper kind of day!


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog! There are several tutorials floating around for the pillow case dresses, but here's the one I used: (long link, sorry)
    If you read a few of the comments, the armhole instructions are made more clear. Good luck!

  2. Okay, me again, I guess that link is no good, so if you just go to, she has the "safer pillow case dress" tutorial listed in her right side bar.

  3. Great examples of Happy Camper!! Love your new fabrics, handles, and trim. Glad you got your machine back, and that knitting machine looks awesome!

  4. Overall it looks like you're a pretty "happy camper." Cute purchases! Have fun with Bernie!

  5. Wow that girl sure can spin a room into a whirl ... I bet her house will be spotless when she's all grown! My bedroom was a nightmare when I was a kid! Mum had no hope - I used to mix paint on the floor!!! No in my house ... not so much!!!!! Good luck to you Lisa!

  6. When you work out what to do with 'sloppy sister' could you please let me know and I will test the method with the 'horsey' one!!

  7. Your daugter is a lot like my daughter was, now that she is all grown with a place of her own it is spotless!
    So hang in there she won't always be that way!
    Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you will become a regular, I like yours very much.

  8. oh dear not a tidy room anymore - my brothers used to be like this and my mam refused to go in, even left his washing outside the bedroom door! Lovely fabrics
    lisa x
