Tuesday, October 5, 2010


/ɪgˌzɪləˈreɪʃən/ [ig-zil-uh-rey-shuhn]
exhilarated condition or feeling.
the act of exhilarating.

1615–25; < LL exhilarātiōn- (s. of exhilarātiō ). See exhilarate, -ion 
—Synonyms 1. animation, joyousness, jollity, hilarity.

I tell you,
when those creative juices begin flowing....
my mind starts racing!!!!!

I am fortunate to belong to two quilt guilds
(one 10 minutes away, one 40 minutes away)
and last night,
I had the opportunity to hear Bonnie McCaffrey....

Bonnie McCaffery lecture/trunk show

She talked about where she gets her inspiration...
She has an incredible body of work
but I was most taken with her newer art...

She calls this fantasy fabric...

Bonnie McCaffery lecture/trunk show
(a plain fabric layered with fibers like Tintzl, angelina fibers under tulle)

and the incredible quilting which is filled in with fabric paint...

Bonnie McCaffery lecture/trunk show

Just unbelievable!!!!

Bonnie McCaffery lecture/trunk show

Today, she is leading a workshop on painting faces
which I cannot attend
but we saw some of those quilts...

Bonnie McCaffery lecture/trunk show

and this is fun...

Bonnie McCaffery lecture/trunk show
(quilted in contrasting thread and then colored in with painted dots).

It is fun to see something new! 

My mind is  feverishly working overtime,
thinking of how I can incorporate some of the techniques into my own work!

And if that wasn't enough...

I also borrowed this book from our library...

borrowed from the library..

and treated myself to this publication...

treated myself

It is hard to stop my brain!!!

I played in my sewing/craft room on Sunday and made these post cards...

My Halloween postcards

and have been experimenting with image transfer..

(this is my paternal grandmother as a child)

and tea dyeing too..

tea dyed photo on fabric
(this is my paternal grandfather and his sister).

At home with my sewing utensils!
all this creating makes me dizzy!


  1. Bonnie is pretty exciting! so fun to see how your work and interests have changed over the many years I've known you!

  2. wow those techniques look amazing! glad to see you all inspired! I can't wait to get my sewing area set up at the new place! I'm itching to get quilting again.

  3. waaa! that book you borrowed, Sandra Duran Wilson, is a friend of mine,and I had no idea she had a book out.
    I better get on the email now!
    looks like you had a powerful creative guild meeting!
