Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Where I find myself...

At 5 AM...

5 AM sky, 9.22.10

this beautiful whole golden moon
made me think of the verse in Owl and the Pussycat

If only I was dancing by the light of the moon!
Instead this moment found me driving to the gym
for a sweaty run on the treadmill
(hardly as glamorous as dancing by the light of the moon!)

At 9 AM...

adding new hobbies which create a mess!

More often these days...

I find myself cleaning my sewing room
(which is slowly being renamed the "craft room"
as I crazily keep experimenting with new art media!)

adding new hobbies which create a mess!
(note to self: clean off cutting table so i can cut fabric!)

 I randomly switch between

 At 10 AM...


and sewing...

At 4:30 AM ...

working on black/white log cabins
(but also 2:00 PM!!!!)

Trying to find my happy medium!
At home with my sewing utensils!
(pun intended)

1 comment:

  1. I'm an early riser myself - up and sewing at 4am! Can't quite stay awake past 8pm but that's OK. LOL! Nice to hear other early birds are out there :)
