Monday, July 26, 2010

No more of those lazy days of summer...

With all the summer's heat and humidity...

bedroom air conditioner

the wonderful tastes...


the sewing projects...

more hand quilting

I seem to be conducting a less (shall we say... lazy?! Naw!) active lifestyle...

pool feet

But lately, I have been telling myself
to get out of bed (can you imagine that I have been sleeping in until 6:30 AM on occasion!!?)
and get a move on it!!!!

Fortunately, I discovered....

 Team Quilter Butts and the Challenge organized by Katie and Jacquie
Improv(E) Your Butt Button

But it isn't all work!

It is also an IMPROV challenge.
For every mile you log, you get one piece of fabric.

Not sure what I will do with my new pile of fabrics  yet...

But yet another reason to get my butt down off the cutting table!


  1. All cute stuff. I love your nail polish! So cute.

  2. You are hilarious!! Love the blue nails. We are getting a break on the heat, only the high 80s this week.

  3. I love the idea of that challenge. But one question... can I send my DH to do the jogging so I can play with some fabric? :) hehe.
