Saturday, July 24, 2010

Living Dangerously....

(circa 1976.....I have told you before that I am old... )

This weekend,
Mr. U and Nature Boy have gone to commune with nature...

Pharoah Lake 2005

guess what I will be doing today?!!!!


Yup, my new dryer
(our old dryer was 10 weeks older than Nature Boy!)
arrived just minutes ago.... new baby!

and while I catch up on a week's worth of laundry....

masses of laundry await...

 I am trying some hand quilting.....

hand quilting

At home with my sewing utensils!I know... life in the fast lane!


  1. $400 worth of Italian grocceries??! Oh my! Wonder if they brought any washing powder?! LOL Loving the wheels!!

  2. Enjoy your laundry day with the new dryer and your hand-quilting, too!
