Tonight, my older daughter, my SIL, and I are off to the Ball. Actually, tonight is the Dream Gala hosted by our local chapter of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation My favorite little figure skater, who is the inspiration for our involvement in JDRF, will be at a birthday party this afternoon with dad (someone has to count her carbohydrates and monitor her blood sugar while she is active- it is a bowling party) but she is not Gala mature yet.
We are volunteering... my daughter is a greeter, my SIL is helping with the silent auction, and I am helping at the 'pick up' table (not what you think! but I will be wearing my little black dress!) They have listed my Elvis Quilt, "Hexagons in Hawaii" in the 10 or so items to be sold in the live auction portion of the evening. A little nerve wracking but I will have to report back in the next day or so to tell you how it did.
I have been busy playing with yarn, fabric and whatever tickles my fancy in the sewing room but when the creative juices start flowing, my sewing table sure gets messy. I bet you never have that problem, huh???!!!
But the catch is that you have to submit photos of one of their completed patterns. I started this over the Christmas break but now had some incentive to finish.
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