Sunday, December 27, 2015

My word of the year is...

Of course, I am dating myself...
but writing this blog post reminded me of the 
where you would hear them whisper to the tv audience...
"The Password is...."

Around this time of year,
many people are scrambling to make resolutions
and promises to themselves.

I have never waited for the start of a new year 
to start something new
but I have been thinking lately about trying to come up with
 a word for the 2016
something that I could use as a sort of mantra for every day...

Some of the words I have been considering
 have included
let go,

Without going into details,
2015 threw me a huge sucker punch
and I am slowly getting back up on my feet.

Recently, I heard someone say 
that every experience that you have,
good or bad, 
is a way to learn.

I now have this taped to my mirror...

I have learned a lot this past year...
good and bad...
and for that I am grateful.

Then other day while watching an interview 
with Gretchen Rubin of The Happiness Project
I decided that I would start my own happiness project 
this coming year 
(which is almost here!).
I have ordered the book and even recruited someone dear to me
to get involved so we can hold each other accountable.
If you want to join in, 
let me know!

And then today....
taking a break from some work this afternoon,
I spotted a link on Facebook
to give me my word for 2016...
and I thought,
why not?!

It must be fate...

My word for 2016 is

In the past, Victoria has posted people's renditions of their 
word of the year in fabric on her blog.
Not sure if she will do the same this year,
but I plan to make mine soon.

Hope you will join me!!!

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