Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It just happened....



[im-promp-too, -tyoo] 
1.made or done without previous preparation: an impromptu address to the unexpected crowds.
                                          - from Dictionary.com

Today, Sugarbaby, Nature Boy and I packed up the car with books, lunch, and snacks and headed out 

fall in upstate NY

to a quaint little village about 45 minutes away from home.

old building in upstate NY

Sugarbaby was taking a cheesemaking class with other homeschoolers. While that may sound exciting and delicious (which it was!),
the day was filled with unplanned (or shall we say, impromptu?) activities
which made it the great day that it was!

While Sugarbaby sat with the goat farmer and the other kids in the kitchen, 
Nature Boy and I explored the village and of course, we took our cameras along!

We spotted huge jack-o-lanterns...

check out these pumpkins!

unusual berries/nuts on trees...

fall in upstate NY

a newt (how does Nature Boy always find these?!)...


and for some of you who know me well...
old houses...

I love old houses! Salem NY
Be still my heart!

After the class was done,
we headed home...

But on the way, we made an unplanned stop
(or shall we say, impromptu?)
at a pond (though it looked like a lake to me!)

Carter's Pond

which we have passed before!

Carter's Pond

No one was there but us...

Carter's Pond

and we passed some time...

Carter's Pond

along the shore...

Carter's Pond


Carter's Pond

and gasping in delight...

Carter's Pond

at its beauty...

Carter's Pond

All this thinking about going with the flow..
making without previous preparation...

made me realize that my latest quilt was just that...

my quilt, Impromptu


my quilt, Impromptu

without any prior plan/sketch/idea of how it would turn out...

my quilt, Impromptu

and so here it is...

my quilt, Impromptu


my quilt, Impromptu

At home with my sewing utensils!

The essence of pleasure is spontaneity.
-Germaine Greer


  1. Love this so much! It's so....YOU!

  2. Wow! Great photos! And a great quilt! Terrific work on both!

  3. You have a picture in this collection that reminds me of my daughter's collection of bird skulls. She found them in many different places, kind of like Natureboy and newts. They became a reminder of many wonderful nature walks. Unfortunately I still have all of them and they number around 20. No live birds were damaged in the collection, only skulls were collected.

  4. I like impromptu...and when I take a chance and go that way, I am usually always very happy. Love your photos...

  5. Wonderful wonderful post! Great pics, and awesome quilt.

  6. Very appropriate name for a fun quilt!
    ; )
    Thank you for sharing the wonderful day trip, too...
    Playing is essential to being creative. I have put your little halloween house up on the wall for the season. It puts a smile on my face every time I see it. Thank you for sharing your creativity and playfulness!

  7. past-peak never looked so wondrous. and loved the creative "quilt reveal" you never fail to inspire, lisa. <3

  8. Beautiful autumn day and a beautiful quilt! I love impromptu .... no stress and planning just great memories :)

  9. Wonderful post! The sceanery pictures are so cozy. They remind me that I need to get outside and explore the fall before the snow arrives! Your improv quilt rocks!

  10. Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing :) And, to use it again, just beautiful the way you flowed into your awesome quilt!
