Saturday, August 28, 2010

Gimme a Break!!!!!!!!!!

Aw Geez!!!!

I got THE email!!!!!!

"Dear participant:" email that says....

This is just a courtesy reminder that you have not entered any mileage recently.

The last mileage entry you made was for 08/19/2010.

..... sigh!

I signed up at this site to join Jacquie and Katie on their
Improv(E) Your Butt Challenge!

And they keep sending me hate mail!!!!!!! (I hate to be reminded!!!!!)

Yes... it is true... I have NOT visited the gym for a wee bit!

Gimme a Break!!!!!!

I've been kinda busy this week!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been cleaning my sewing room...

I cleaned my sewing room (AGAIN!)!
(AGAIN!!!! Didn't I just clean it?!!!!)

I've been making some placemats...

kids placemat

for a little guy I know...

kids placemat

I've been journaling....

Fish'n for ideas

I've been celebrating birthdays...

Nature Boy is shy, even at 14
(Nature Boy is so shy!)

I've been watching the morning glories unfurl...

morning glory

their petals....

morning glory opening
(Amazing... really!)

I've been watching my eggplant grow...


and enjoying toasted tomato and basil sandwiches...

ripe tomato!
(all from our garden!)

I've been scratching Maggie's belly...

SPF #35, 8/27/10: Me and my pal, Maggie
(Sugarbaby loves to bring over the neighbor's dog to play!)

I've been planning a garage sale...

ths start of our garage sale day..
(which took about 3 days of preparing and was only semi successful)

and I've have been really trying to get the younger two U's to start
their homeschooling year a little earlier this year...

books being readied for our school start
(it is going about as slow as molasses!)

So before I hear from them again, 

At home with my sewing utensils!
 I will get off my cutting table, put away the fabric, the paints,
the flowers, the vegetables, the books, the animals...

and take a nap!!!!


  1. You could erm, lie? Just to get the mileage monster off your back?

    I'm sure you'll make up the miles later, so it'd be more of an advance really.

    Great pics!


  2. I love the placemats and the garden photo are fantastic.

  3. Oh, my...they would have a FIELD day with it's been a LONG time since I did anything much in the way of exercise. *sigh*

  4. Life is busy! I am a homeschooler too and I think if we manage to fit anything else in with that we're amazing!

  5. I am sure it's just a temporary situation, no worries
    ; )
    The placemats are super fun!!!!
    Take care!

  6. I've been getting those too. Saturday I have no excuses...I'm in if you are?
