Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gone Fishin'....

Yes, once again, it is Workbook Wednesday...

Workbook Wednesday

But just like the sign says, I've gone fishin'....

gone fishin

But not literally!!!

Not like the fishing the kids enjoy...

Nature Boy finds this big ol' frog

though even they didn't catch any fish!!!


I am fishing through this mess.....

Sigh... it is only getting worse!

for a found object (what a joke... literally!
for exercises in the next chapter....

it's not getting any cleaner!

 see any??????

it's not getting any cleaner!

In the meantime....

laying out some of the pieces

I am fishing through the hundreds of wee little squares...

10 rows done, 20 to go!

to place them in the right spot...

18 rows (I think)

so I can complete this project!!!!

At home with my sewing utensils!No wonder I am up on the cutting table!!! There isn't any where for me to stand (literally)!!!


  1. It's summer... enjoy yourself :o)
    Wow those are soo tiny! Looking good :o)

  2. Found objects can be hard to find...
